Thursday, November 22, 2007

a good friend

I want to thank a very good friend, (magdalena)she helped me when i needed help doing my blogs One day she sent me a message asking me what i needed so i explained to her what i was t rying to do so she went out of her way to help me. This why this blog is called "let's all be friends" she was there for even when she and i didn't know each other exciept being contacts on mybloglog,i don't know how i can repay her, exciept to offer my frienship to her and hers to me So make her your friend too and visit her and become a contact,to you and join her communities,invite her to yours,so we can all be friends and extend our friendship to others and watch our communities grow. So hers is (magdalena's blogs)
1. Useful Health Tips,at (
2. Pet Your Pet,at(
3. Croatian Coast And Islands,at(
So please check them out and join,and then pass info. to all your members,thanks.your friend. camaroman


kw said...

I didn't know squat about computers when I started my blog a couple of months ago. The on-line help can take forever when you don't even know what HTML stands for! I love what you're doing, and I'm going to add your blog to my page. I don't know much about anything, but I'm on the books as an artist living with Manic Depressive Disorder.

Penny said...

A good friend will always be there for we should always learn how to take care of them and value the friendship..keep on posting! hope you could drop by my site too! More Power!

Our Food Recipes said... have a great blog. Just added and faved you. Hope you can join Our Food Recipes. Thank you

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my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice

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